Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Okay, so we all know about Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It’s all over websites, TV, and stores. I read this series before it got famous and was made into a movie. To be honest it was one of the first books I’ve read. I fell in love with book. But! After I read it again and my mom read it, I realized how the writing was still a little immature. (I'm used to the old writings) I've read a lot of other Vampire books and have found other great ones that don't get attention like Twilight is getting. The characters were great and there was a lot of description (Which I like) but I just couldn't stand Bella. Edward was okay, his mysterious personality was cute. Jacob I really liked. I loved his sense of humor and his attitude. He was one of my favorites. The rest of the characters were great too. One thing, I don’t really like is that 10, to 13 year olds are reading this series. The last two books I thought were very racy. Not what those kids should be reading. It was meant for older kids. Not that it is Meyer’s fault of course, she only wrote it for herself in the beginning. I just think they should have warned the readers about the sexual content in it. So anyhow, above all I give it 3 stars out of 5. It all depends on what you like. I will write more about the other books I will be reading, don’t worry. And if you have any suggestions about other books YOU like, just comment me. Thanks for reading!

~Jan’s book blog~

About Jan's Book Blog

~Hey guys, my name's Janel and this is my book blog. I'm only 16 but I've read more books then I can count and it will be from a teenage perspective. I will be writing about what books I've read lately and what I thought of them. It will be new releases or old books and if you have a book that you want me to read or write about, tell me. I will be reading young adult books and some adult. For girls and boys. Right now I'm reading all fiction. I will be posting a blog a couple times a week on a book I read. The first book I will be blogging about is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer since it is such a big hit. I know my thoughts might be controversial but just remember these are just my thoughts. Everyone's opinion is different. I welcome friendly, fun conversations about the books I write about. Thanks and read along with me. :)~